LETIA – Letizia Cariello
(Copparo, Ferrara – 1963)
LETIA, stage name assumed since 2022, has focused her research on the materialization of time in a valuable work that starts from everyday objects to weave a multiplicity of relationships that are capable of making it perceptible. Her background is wide-ranging: with a degree in Art History, she teaches Sculpture and Artistic Anatomy at the Brera Academy. She has a marked interest in music, which is an integral part of her poetics. Sound and rhythm, in LETIA’S language, are closely connected to space, to the proportionality of environments, and can be measured and visible even in the floor plan of a house. His works have a meditative, existential character and are materialized in various forms: Calendars, Gates, but also performances, installations, embroidered photos, book-objects, Red Threats that cross the most diverse materials. Calendars in which dates, months, and days define the beginning and end of a performance are a dense list of numbers and letters handwritten with chisel on marble or stone or, in some cases, on fabric embellished with gold or bronze leaf inserts. Her works open a dialogue with elsewhere, refer to other worlds, other cultures, probably evoked by the circularity of Gates or Calendars in which dates, months, days, evoke the sacredness of the everyday. A path on the wheel of history in which everything repeats, is cyclical, like an uroboros that re-proposes to us the theme of eternity and the relationship with the cosmos.